It's been almost one year since this free magazine PEACE was born. I
named the magazine from my personal idea, and I've asked many people, "What
is PEACE for you?"
It's a common and simple word. And for us who have lived in Hiroshima
for many years, it's a kind of fixed phrase used as a part of names
for some things or slogands such as Peace Park, peace walk, Peace Memorial
Day, and "Love & Peace" which is often heard at outdoor
So it seems that "PEACE" is everybody's wish, but
it's not the common feeling of everybody in the world, regrettably.
It's a sad
reality that while we're at a party with the beautiful smiles of
friends, listening and dancing to music among the grand nature, at the
moment people are killing each other and somebody is deep in sorrow
from losing
their family on the other side of the earth.
Sometimes I imagine if
it was my lover, my brother, or friends that were killed in a war or
by terrorists, what would I do? If it happened
me, I might lose control in unrestrainable anger and sadness, hatred
would make me mad. The word "PEACE" would disappear in
a moment and I might take a weapon to kill my enemies. When you
see some video
or photographs from a battlefield, perhaps it's not difficult to
imagine how terrible a world they could be in, and their sadness
or anger. But
still, I believe that we should stop killing each other, and we
should grope for other waya instead. And it's not only about feelings
individuals, but also about bigger groups or nations. I hope we
can find a way to
coexist and never kill each other. If not, it seems hopeless. We
human beings will keep up the massacre... until when?
The movie "Fahrenheit
9/11" is coming to Japan soon (in August).
The logic for killing may seem rationale to a small section of
people in the world, but to me it just seems to be somebody's ego.
Some reviews
of the movie I read gave me that kind of idea. Nobody actually
care about feeling of the people who kill or are killed in war,
everybody seems
to only discuss government or economic policy. It's now all the
more important to think about the basis of the problem, and the
I think. Even if it's national policy, bombing other countries
or crashing into a building with an airplane is not the right way
to take, absolutely
This time, we're gonna show some artworks and words from local
artists who have been big supportors of "PEACE" since
the beginning. I hope you will discover the true meaning of "PEACE" here.
and respect to every artist who gave us their beautiful work
for this issue.
2004 summer
Title: Eyes to the Sky
(Sky/Windows at Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico)
When I'm troubled, just thinking of the skies of New Mexico makes me
feel better. This picture is a reminder to me that we are all reflections
of our own perceptions. Find peace to create more peace. (Flo)
(bar koba )
He seemed have a hard time thinking about what to draw for this issue. Well,
it's me! (nao) |
She is now in China and working as a Jewely artist. I can see her PEACE mind
in this picture.(nao) |
(International Love Cafe promoter)
People gathering to oppose the invasion of Iraq and promote PEACE. The A-bomb
Dome is the perfect reminder that hatred and destruetion need not be permanent
and even the most heinous act can turn to beauty with a little effort and love. |
(bar koba)
It's an image of us having a peace party. Looks like fun, doesn't it!? (Bom) |
These faces makes me feel PEACE, and hope for PEACE. (Keiko) |
I like his unique sense. (nao) |
This is a boy I met in Vietnam. This beautiful smile....PEACE! (HIDE) |
(WEB DESIGNER/Motoki Design)
I made PEACE T-shirt. You can see "PEACE" written in Japanese on it.
(Motoki) |
Peace: Under Construction
I took this photo in November 2001. At that time, the Sadako Statue was under
renovation and visitors had to place their cranes in front of the construction
site. At this time in the world, people were still in shock over the World Trade
Towers and the United States was about to engage in war in Afghanistan. I found
the way the word, PEACE, was broken in two truly indicative of all that was happening.
Three years and two wars later, the Sadako construction has been completed, but
we are still working on reconstructing peace. Yet, like Sadako, I remain hopeful. |
(PEACE designer/illustrator)
The wormth of mother is fandamental peace which is inside of everybody. |
(PEACE editor/photographer)
I bike through the Peace Park everyday. It's a really beautiful park in the morning,
daytime, at night, in the summer or the winter. |

It's inevitable I guess that the word "peace" crops up in
Hiroshima so often, but I often wonder if it hasn't become just another
buzzword, so often used that it has become almost meaningless. It is
often said that peace has to first come from within the individual before
it can flourish between individuals, and then groups and eventually
perhaps between nations and states. I don't want to belittle the importance
of this sense of personal peace, but it's important to remember that
it is only starting point for the promotion of peace in a wider sense.
the weather heats up many of our thoughts turn to the parties and
festivals we'll be enjoying over the next couple of months. The spirit
of peace is strong
at these events, and there is often a sense that we are not only dancing with
peace in our hearts, but dancing for peace. I imagine that most of the people
reading this magazine are, like me, privileged to be
living in a peace as the
result of nothing more than an accident of birth. I feel that the only
people who are in a position to appreciate the true value
of peace are those who live in the absence of it, and if we are to prevent
from becoming an empty slogan it is the needs of these people we need to
address. When I ask myself, "What have I done lately to help bring peace closer
to someone suffering from its absence?" I feel ashamed. If you do too,
perhaps it's time to turn that shame into action.
What does the word "PEACE" mean me?
As someone who has lived
in this town, Hiroshima, what first comes to mind is the idea of
Atomic bomb, war, and "NO MORE HIROSHIMAS".
I know these are important and unforgettable, but they are only bad
I think the word "PEACE" is more beautiful.
The word (hei)
in (heiwa=PEACE) is the same word in (byo-do=equal). Nobody goes
ahead alone and when somebody is left behind, everybody
gives a helping hand. The word 和(wa) means harmony, and you
never realize it when you are alone. Between individuals or when we are
with somebody, we can be in harmony and balanced.
The other day
I recieved an invitation from my friends, "let's
do some music together!", so we did. We had a music jam
session together. When I got there, some of my friends were
waiting for me
to come with their musical instruments. One started to play,
and the others followed it. Nobody stated any kind of rules.
We just created
sound together. I added my sound into the others.
just had fun matching their rhythm.
from Kaisaku