A Justice Vol.2


Hi, everyone!

This is the 2nd "A JUSTICE" essay from WAREZ. But for this time I haven't decided the theme of the article yet, because I've been fuckin busy these days. Oh, shit! It's several days after the dead line, I can't believe it!

Well, I need to calm down. I'll have a drink now. Yeah, spring is coming, I'm looking forward to Hanami parties. It's a good season, you know? Hanami season!

How about writing about the Hanami information? I wanna drink under the cherry blossom trees!! ....What? Nobody has set any Hanami parties yet? Why???
(Because it always depends on the weather at the begining of April, I know.)

OK. I'm going to ask the editor of PEACE to have a Hanami for all of us! Yes! She can't decide the date of the party of course, but then you can get a flyer for the PEACE Hanami party around town! And I'll just go there and drink! Sounds good, doesn't it?
Oh, one more thing I should write about here. The issue of this PEACE is about DOVE? I have one thing to say here to NIDO JIRO. Hey, when are you going to pick up YOUR cat back you've left at my place? Do you remember your cat Nyanshi? He's now like MY cat! Please come to pick him up! And you're on the cover of PEACE this time, so

you're famous now. Make more flyer to advertise the party!

Well, well, I think I'm drunk a bit. Next time I'll do a better job as the CEO of WAREZ. (If the editor'll still like me to.)

See ya!

PS/ This is also very personal thing, but I just wanna say congratulations on HIDE's wedding!