I didn't expect that I would write an article in this magazine again...
And the theme this time is's about "PEACE"!!
I was born and brought up in Hiroshima, and as every of us who has
grown up in this town knows, I have recieved an education about "PEACE" (but
it's often about war and the atomic bomb anyway). Well, I lived near
the Peace Park when I was a little boy, so I used to play in the Atomic-bom-Dome,
broiled fishes (I caught them in the Motoyasu River) in the Peace-Fire,
and then one day I fell down from the causeway and got injured badly.
I think this was a judgment.
I imagine that for most people "the
day of PEACE" is the 6th
of August, but for me, the 8th of December is also an important day
to think about PEACE. It's the day known as the anniversary of John
death, but also the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese
forces in 1941. The famous movie "TORA TORA TORA" is about
Pearl Harbor and World War 2, you can see in the movie that it was
the first time
America was attacked in its national land. (Now it's not the only
day, after 9.11.) So it is a really important day for people in Hawaii,
it's like 8.6 is for us in Hiroshima. (If you're interested in it,
I recommend
you go to the Arizona Memorial Place. ) From that day, Japanese emigrants
in Hawaii had a hard time as prisoners. Now we can visit and spend
some time there peacefully, but I think we should remember that these
emigrants never gave up on living there. How about renting the two
movies "TORA
TORA TORA" and "PEARL HARBOR" to know more about these
So,what is PEACE for me?? I feel PEACE when I'm relaxing
in Hawaii of caurse! I just want to have a day that makes me smile
and laugh,
a day that makes my brows knit.
Well, the article this time became
a little bit too serious, but I just hope everybody can get their perfect
life dream from inside
It only hurts your hands and soul to keep up stupid fighting!

USS Arizona Memorial
1 Arizona Memorial Place
Honolulu,Hawaii 96818
808-422-0561 |