1. Name
Rebecca Jane Schmidt
2. Birthday
May 24, 1975
3. When did you start your work?
Watching my grandfather, an amateur
photographer, in my early years, sparked my interest in photography.
However, it wasn't until I spent
the summer of 94 in the Appalachian Mountains without a camera that
I knew I was meant to be a photographer. The desire to photograph
everything around me drove me crazy. So that next fall, I got my
first camera,
manual Minolta 102 and enrolled in a basic camera class. I have been
taking photographs ever since!
4. Do you have any theme for your work?
Peter Nash, musician and photographer wrote "I want to capture moments
that disappear. The more surreal, the better"
When I first read this, I thought, "This is me!"
I am always looking for designs buried amongst the everyday things.
However, over and over, it is the reflections and distortions created
by water
and glass that interest me most. I am also obsessed with shadow.
Looking for these things to pop out keeps my life exciting.
5. Tell
us about your most recent work.
In addition to my older themes, I have been into finding freshness
in what has become old and weathered. My photos from my summer
holiday around
the United States are my latest works. Before that I documented
the older streets around Danbara.
6. From where do you usually
get inspiration for your work?
Whatever makes my eye dance. Inspiration hits me at the most unexpected
7. Who influenced you most on your activities?
All my beautiful friends who always support me and keep reminding
me that photography is my destiny. Thanks to their many compliments
criticisms, I keep finding the pathways leading deeper and closer
to my dream.
8. What are the things or people that have intersted
you or have been getting your attention recently?
Anyone who is trying something new. Recently, I have just enjoyed
listening to people and hearing about what they are doing now
and planning for
the furture. People who give off positive energy have always
caught my attention.
9. What is your favorite
fook, flower,
and place to visit? Tomatoes and Mushrooms / Sunflowers / Mitaki
10. Tell us about your future plans.
Ahh, the future .. . . if only it were that simple to just
know! For the next couple of years, I plan to stay in Hiroshima,
keep teaching,
keep traveling, and keep creating. I hope to keep meeting
all the interesting people that live in and pass through Hiroshima.
I hope
we all continue
to inspire each other. More immediately , I am planning on
exhibiting my black and white photos of Fiji and the summer
photos and even
getting a website made by spring!!!
11. What does Peace mean
to you?
Peace is having respect for others. I know it isn't really
original, but I believe deeply in this: It is about the
simple and age
old Golden Rule, "do unto to others as you would have
them do unto you." If
all people and all countries really did this, then peace
wouldn't be such a hard dream to realize.
12. Say anything!
For me, photography is not just about taking pictures.
It is a constant discovery of the art of seeing. Everyone
this. Just look around.
There is always something beautiful right in front of
you. But our eyes are often veiled by the details of our lives.
veil, open
your heart, discover, hug, kiss, and smile!! |

Nao on the cracked mud of the Rio Trande(Mexico or Texas border)
A scissor shop in North Beach, San Francisco,CA
Funky Wooden cover of a Radiator in Santa Fe,NM
Jeans hung out to dry-clothesline in Portland,OR
Bay Bridge San Francisco,Oakland,CA