This is my favorite out of all of these recommendations.
SOLE/ Plutonium(Remix)/ anticon
I prefer the original, but this album has an instrumental track.
OCTAVIUS/ Audio Noir/ mush
I don't think many of you like this one, but I'm a fan of them.
HERSPACEHOLIDAY/ Young Machines/ mush
Can I call this kind of music "Post Rock 'n' Roll"?
I think they managed to make this album to get Japanese fans. Cool instrumental tracks.
GRPICH DADDY KEV, D-STYLE/ Sound Advice S.V (off beat)
This contains Hip-Hop music, Rap, Beats, and Scratch. This album is made by the three top musicans of each category.
THEM/ No Music Remixed/ anticon
All tracks are just good. It's really unusual. I love the whole album.
I love this one, but I can't say whether this is for rock'n'roll listeners, or Hip-Hop listeners.
ALIAS/ Muted/ anticon
I've been waiting for this album to come out!
ANTI MC/ RUN/ mush
I didn't expect this one to be cool, but after I listened to it I realized this is a cool, ethnic sound.
LOKA/ Biginningless/ ninja tune
I recommend you listen to this before you go to bed.
V.A/ Tiger Beat6/ tiger beat 6
This is the kind of album I like, one which has some stupid and amusing feelings.
Low JACK3/ Mr. Monster/ recreation ground
If you like Hi-Fana( a Japanese artist), you should get this one.
CONTROLLER 7/ Expansions/ bully
From the 7 inch label which is famous for Sixtoo.
MOOD SWING 9/ Reflection of Progress/ bully
From the same label as above. You'll feel the goodness of drum music.
DJ WALLY/ EP1 & EP2/ agriculture
You can trust this label.
DJ BAKU/ TRUE 4th TRUE VANDALISM/ disdefense disc
I think this is the best album out of all of them!

DJ BAKU ft. TAV/ VANDALISM/ disdefense disc