International Love Cafe Vol.6

By Dannette Lambert
My peace comes locked inside the pages of good book. ItÕs hidden in
a recipe I make for all my friends. It's encoded in Japanglish and weaves
its way in out of all my best conversations. It transmits itself through
small fingers reaching curiously into my hair. It loves to dance. Sometimes,
when it's all alone, you might catch it singing. I dole it out in kisses
and get it back in hugs.
It's not always happy. Peace sometimes means staring out into the world,
feeling angry at all its injustices and using that anger as an impetus
for change. It means always striving to be a better person and making
an active attempt to consider how your actions, or lack there of, are
affecting the world. It means changing your actions little by little
to ensure that that affect is positive. If you want the world to be
peaceful make yourself a living example of what that peace could look
My peace is a Saturday night party when all of my friends are out
and all of the DJÕs are dropping great tracks that they've painstakingly
picked out over the course of a week in the hopes of making us all
dance. It's always the same party. Maybe the musicÕs a little different,
venue changes, but the vibe's always the same. It's always the same
greeting, "Hisashiburi
da ne."It's been a while. And if it's only been a day or a week?
Then it seems like a while. Too long for good friends to be apart.
Too long, the space between the times when we celebrate life and
dance and
love and remind ourselves of how fortunate we are to be alive in
this time and place.
These parties aren't the hedonistic, base pleasures
they may appear
to be. They are the continual rejoining of a community. They are
the family
reunions that keep the connections going, that remind us all that
we are not alone, that you belong to someone. They let you know
that you
can go out in the world, make your discoveries and fight your battles,
and when you are ready your home is here, anxiously waiting to
reclaim you. They are our examples of what a peaceful world could be.
my darlings...and PEACE!! |